Why Exit Poll are banned in many countries? Why is exit poll released only after voting? Know what is Exit Poll and how it's work.

 What is Exit Poll?

Exit poll is an election survey. On the day of voting, many news channels and exit polling agencies are present at the polling stations. After voting, voters are asked some election related questions and a report is prepared based on their answers. The assessment of this report shows which way the voters are inclined in the elections. Voters are only included in the exit poll survey.

Why is exit poll released only after voting? Know how different it is from opinion polls

How different is opinion poll from exit poll?

Opinion poll is also an election survey, but it is conducted before the elections. All people are included in this. In this, the condition of being a voter is not mandatory. In this survey, the mood of the public is estimated region wise on the basis of various issues. Which scheme does the public like or dislike? How happy one is with which party can be estimated from opinion polls.

Why is exit poll released only after voting?

No exit poll or survey can be released after the announcement of the election schedule. After the last phase of voting, the exit poll can be released only half an hour after the end of voting in the evening. Let us tell you that under Section 126A of the Representation of the People Act-1951, there is a ban on releasing exit polls till half an hour after the end of the last phase of voting. At the same time, if it is violated, it will be punished with two years of imprisonment, fine or both.

When were the guidelines made?

The Election Commission of India had issued exit poll guidelines for the first time in the year 1998. At the same time, in the year 2010, after the support of 6 national and 18 regional parties, a ban was imposed on releasing exit polls during voting under Section 126A. However, the Election Commission wanted both opinion polls and exit polls to be banned. Let us tell you that while releasing opinion poll and exit poll, it is mandatory to mention the name of the survey agency, how many voters and what questions were asked.

Exit polls banned in many countries

Apart from India, are exit polls shown in elections of other countries also? Let us tell you that there are many countries where exit polls are completely banned. Reporting of opinion polls through any medium is banned in 16 countries of Europe.

• In France, you cannot make opinion reports of any kind regarding the elections 24 hours before voting day. However, earlier this ban in France was for 07 days. But later a court limited it to 24 hours.

• There are no restrictions regarding opinion polls in Britain. But the results of exit polls can'nt be given until the voting is completely over. Like there are rules in India.

• Opinion polls can be given in America at any time. But the results of exit polls can be told by the media only after the voting in the elections is completely over.

• In Germany, even before election voting, exit polls are considered a crime.

• In Bulgaria, it is legally considered illegal to provide exit poll results on election day. This cannot be done.

• Exit polls are completely banned in Singapore. It is a crime to influence elections there in any way. Apart from this, in Italy, Slovakia and Luxembourg any kind of opinion poll or exit poll is banned 07 days before the elections.

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