world suicide prevention day

 Suicide cases are increasing worldwide.  Its prevention is important.  Therefore, 'World Suicide Prevention Day' is observed every year on 10 September with the aim of making people aware.  Psychiatrist Dr. Ravi Rana explains that suicide can be prevented.  There might be psychological, social, economical, family problem and personal reasons behind it.  So keep a balanced attitude towards life.  Both good and bad are aspects of life. 

Here are some beautiful lines which explains you the importance of your life.

Life is valuable
Not wealth
Therefore, always respect life.

Do not rush into anything
Haste will lead you to disorientation
Better stop wandering
Understand and then move.

It's not necessary to be like each other in life
Rather it is necessary to have each other.

If humans reduce their desires and see
So the world of happiness will be seen.


Life is always for living
Not to bite
Human life is a precious opportunity
So live it well.

Along with speed in the car of life
Moderation is also necessary
Otherwise the accident is certain.

Development and Happiness of Life
Both happen
If only man in life
If you keep getting benefits
His ego increases.


Life is a play

Play your part

Life is a challenge, face it

Life is speed, be dynamic

Life is a puzzle, solve

Life is a struggle, face it.

 The biggest mantra of life is that
Not the circumstances but the state of mind
Should try to change.

You need to enjoy your life
What is the most important thing
That is - to be happy
That is all that matters.

You cannot get peace by staying away from life
Life is so beautiful
Live it full and live happily

Everyone knows
Sir from life
But those who want to live happily
They do not complain.

On the occasion of 'World Suicide Prevention Day' on September 10, many important figures were released by the World Health Organization.  Also due to suicide, emphasis was placed on prevention and necessary data collection.
  Since the publication of the first global report on suicide by the WHO, the number of countries making national suicide prevention strategies has increased in the last five years. But still their number is barely 38, which is extremely less. Other countries and governments also must take effective steps during this direction. This precious information was given by the World  Health Organization(WHO) on the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day on  September 10th.

Every death is a tragedy for family, friends and colliges, suicides can be prevented.  We invites all countries to join permanently include suicide prevention strategies into national level health and education programs. '
If we look at the age-based suicide rates, in 2016, 10.5 people committed suicide per 1 lakh worldwide.  However, the difference in rates between different countries varies from 5 person to 30 lakh per person.  79% of worldwide suicides were reported from low and middle income countries.  The rate of those countries stood at 11.5 per 1 lakh population.  In high-income countries, nearly three times the number of men commit suicide than women.  However, in low- and middle-income countries, the number of suicidal men and women is nearly equal.
A road accident injury was the second leading cause of suicide among youth aged 15–29.  At the same time, mutual violence emerged as a major cause of suicide among adolescents aged 15–19 years.  The predominant cause of suicide among women came from post-maternal conditions.
  Hanging, consuming poison or setting himself ablaze as the most prevalent methods of committing suicide.  At the same time, as effective ways to control the incidence of suicides, reduce the access of people to these tools, educate the media about coverage on the incidents related to suicides, to run such programs among the youth that they get from the stresses in life  Help in dealing with the need of the people by checking the risk of suicide according to their condition.

Rules related to pesticides: a highly effective strategy
The most effective way of reducing the incidence of suicide is to prevent people's access to the pesticides by which most people attempt suicide.  Many pesticides are highly toxic and their high toxicity means that a person often dies from such suicide attempts.  Especially in places and conditions where there is no antidote or where medical facilities are not available nearby.

The survey conducted in Sri Lanka on suicide was considered to be the most effective.  While a long list of restrictions led to a 70% drop in suicides and between 1995 and 2015, an estimated 93 000 lives were saved.  The Republic of Korea has also succeeded in this direction, where a large number of paraquat pesticide suicides occurred in the 2000s, but pesticide poisoning suicide deaths between 2011 and 2013 following the ban on paraquat in 2011-2012 there was a shortage.
Need to increase data quality
Timely registration and regular monitoring of suicide at the national level can be an effective strategy for prevention of suicide at the national level.  Yet out of 183 WHO member countries, in 2016 only 80 countries collected good quality critical registration data.  Most of the countries where such data collection could not be done were low and middle income countries.  Success can be achieved in better suicide prevention strategies through better surveillance.

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