Know all about Noble Prize

Noble Prize

What is the Nobel Prize 

Noble prize is the world's highest award in the fields of peace, literature, physics, chemistry, medical science and economics.  Each award is presented by a separate committee.  The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Norwegian Nobel Committee in the field of Physics, Economics and Chemistry,  Karolinska Institute of Medicine, in the field of peace.  Each awardee is awarded a medal, a diploma, a monetary award. 

 How did it start?

  The award is given by the Nobel Foundation in memory of Sweden's scientist Alfred Bernad Nobel.  Before his death in December 1896, he reserved a large part of his property for a trust.  He wished that the interest of this money should be awarded every year to those whose work is found to be most welfare for mankind.  The interest of the same amount deposited in the Swedish bank is given by the Nobel Foundation every year for outstanding contributions to peace, literature, physics, chemistry, medical science and economics.  

What is the Nobel Foundation? 

 The Nobel Foundation was established on 29 June 1900 and from 1901 the Nobel Prize started being awarded.  Its purpose is to conduct Nobel prizes financially.  The Nobel Foundation has a team of 5 people headed by the King of Council of Sweden and the other four member awards are decided by the trustees (trustees) of the Distributor Institute.  The highlight of the Nobel Prize honors ceremony in Stockholm is that the honorees receive the award at the hands of the King of Sweden.  The committee and selectors for the award announce the Nobel Prize winners in October every year, but the awards are distributed on December 10, the death anniversary of Alfred Nobel.

Who was Alfred Nobel?  

Alfred Bernad Nobel was born in 1833 in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.  At the age of nine years, he moved to Russia with his family members.  When Nobel was 18 years old, he was sent to America to study chemistry.  Alfred Nobel discovered dynamite in 1867.  Nobel made a total of 355 inventions in his entire life.  But he earned the most name and money from the invention of dynamite in 1867.  Nobel never married in his life.  On December 10, 1896, Nobel died of a heart attack in Italy.  

When did the Nobel of economics begin?  

The award of 1895 by Alfred Bernad Nobel. Under the Nobel Prize in 1901 does not mention any award for contribution to the field of economics.   The first Nobel of Economics was awarded in 1969 to Reigner Anthon Kittel Frisch of Norway and Yan Tirbergen of the Netherlands.  

Ten people belonging to the Indian Nobel Prize have received awards in different categories so far, 

1.Ravindranath Tagore 

Tagore was the first Nobel laureate of India who was honour this award for his contribution in the field of literature.  When Tagore received this honor in 1913, he was the first non-European to receive this award.  

2. Hargovind Khurana

Hargovind Khurana Well-known Indian-origin scientist Hargovind Khurana received the Nobel Prize in the field of medicine in 1968.  Khurana's research was on the subject of what kind of widespread effect of eating anti-biotic food has on the body.  Born in Punjab, in India, Khurana later studied at the renowned MIT Institute of America and settled in the US.  

3.CV Raman 

CV Raman was born in Madras.  The associated Raman effect was discovered.  He was given the nobel prize in the field of Physics in 1930. 

4.V.S Naipaul

 Born in Trinidad and Tobago , the ancestors of Vidyadhar Suraj Prasad Naipaul had arrived in Trinidad as a indentured laborer from Gorakhpur.  Naipaul, settled in Britain, was given the Nobel in 2001 for his contribution to the field of literature.  

5.Venkata Ramakrishnan 

Venkata Ramakrishnan of Indian origin was born in Madurai.  He was awarded
 the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in the year 2009 for research in the field of structure and functioning of ribosomes.  

6.Mother Teresa

  Mother Teresa  had receive the Nobel Peace Prize in year 1979.  Mother Teresa was born in Albania.  In 1928 she joined the Sisters of Loreto, an institution of Ireland, and came to Kolkata in 1929 as a missionary. 

 7.Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar

 Chandrasekhar was born in 1910 in Lahore.  He received the Nobel Prize in 1983 for his theoretical research on the shape of stars and how stars became stars. 

8.Kailash Satyarthi

 Kailash Satyarthi has received the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.  Kailash has been given this award in view of his work done for children and many dangerous rescue operation of girl and women.

9.RK Pachauri 

Rajendra Pachauri's work was in the field of environment and he was associated with TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute) for a long time.  In 2007, he received the Nobel for Peace jointly with the United Nations Committee on Climate Change.  

10.Amartya Sen 

Economist Amartya Sen was well known for his book The Argumentative Indian, but his work in economics has been remarkable.  He was awarded the Nobel Prize in the field of economics in 1998.

Given to  Important facts: 

• The first Nobel Peace Prize was given jointly to the Red Cross founder Jean Harry Dunant in 1901 and the founder president of the French Peace Society, Frederick Passy.  

• Nobel Prize for Peace is given in Oslo while all other awards are given in Stockholm.  

• Up to three people can be awarded in a year from any one region.  Each of these winners is given a gold medal, diploma and a fixed amount of money.  Every year the prize money depends on the income of the Nobel Foundation.  

• If a prize is given to two people in a shared manner, the money is distributed equally between the two.  

• So far, only twice the dead persons have been given this award.  Eric Axel Karlfeld was awarded the first time in 1931 and the second time UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold in 1961.  But in 1974 a rule was made that posthumously no one would be given the Nobel Prize.  

• Mahatma Gandhi, who gave India independence only because of non-violence, never received the Nobel Peace Prize.  Although he received nomination five times for Nobel prize

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