History of Ayurveda and science & technology in India

There is evidence of 2000 years before Christ in which many Aryans had a scientific attitude.  It was believed that the universe was controlled by a natural law.  Each religious ritual was performed in specially built temples in the auspicious lagna according to the position of the planets.

 The theory of disease occurs due to superfluous bacteria and genetic reasons due to change of seasons.  The system of surgery was highly developed in Ayurveda.  Later Arabs and Greeks also adopted Ayurveda.  Indian medicines were also in great demand in the area of ​​Roman Empire.

 Development and contribution of science in India

 In the 18th century, the process of searching for new elements started, before this, there was knowledge of only seven metals.  These gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, glass and mercury (mercury) all these metals are mentioned in the oldest Sanskrit literature, including Rigveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.

 The antiquity of the Vedas has been determined thousands of years Before Christ.  Therefore, we can say the beginning of chemistry in India thousands of years Before Christ.  In archaeological evidence, the purity of metals like iron, copper, silver, lead etc. were measured from 95% to 99% and alloys like brass, copper were found, which is evidence that there is an ancient tradition of high quality metallurgy in India.  

400 years Before Christ, Nalanda, Varanasi and Taxila universities were very famous.  There was unprecedented progress in mathematics, astronomy and medical science.  Sushruta had cured the patient's severed nose 26 centuries ago.  He is called the father of plastic surgery.  His Sushruta Samhita has been translated into Arabic.  Kitab-Shashoon-e-Hindi and Books-Susurd.

 20 century ago, Charaka said in Charaka Samhita, "The doctor who does not understand the body of the sick with the lamp of his knowledge and understanding, how can he cure the disease, he must first study all the causes which affect the patient,  Then they should be treated, more important is to avoid disease and not to cure it ”

 500 years Before Christ, the sage Kanad had presented the atomic principle.  200 years Before Christ, the sage Patanjali told that there are nadis and centers in the human body, which are called chakras.  Muladhara, Sawadishthan, Manipur, Heart, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Command and Sahastrar etc. have a total of eight chakras.

 Eight steps or steps have been given to keep them active.  Yama (universal moral mandate), niyam (the way to purify oneself with discipline), asana, pranayama (control of the breath), pratyahara (removing the mind from external things), dharana (concentration), emotion (contemplation or contemplation) and  Samadhi (state of unconsciousness).  This last step is the most difficult.  This makes the person feel energetic, self-controlled and full of abilities.

 (India’s contribution in the field of science and technology)

 Aryabhata was the first person who said that the earth is round and rotates on its axis, which makes day and night.  The moon shines with sunlight.

 Brahmagupta was the mathematician who first laid down the rules for the functioning of zeros.  Famous mathematicians like Bhaskar gave him the title of Ganak Chakra Chudamani.  He introduced two different branches of mathematics, algebra and mathematics.

 This discovery of Chandrashekhar Venkataraman, the scientist who gave new radiation to the world, was called Raman effect.  He received the Nobel Prize in Physics on 28 February 1930.  This day is celebrated as National Science Day.  The Raman effect is a wonderful effect that changes the nature and nature of light when it comes out of a transparent medium.

 That medium can be anything solid, fluid and gaseous.  After the invention of the laser, the Raman effect has become another important tool for scientists due to its powerful light radiation.  Homi Jahangir Bhabha discovered new particle mason.  Three nuclear reactors named Apsara, Cirrus and Jarlina were established under the direction of these.

 The first Indian astronomer M.K.  A Pushchal Tara (Kamant) named Venu Bappu (Manali Kallar Venu Bappu) was named Bappu Bok Nyukkar.  Jagdish Chandra Bose discovered sensations in plants.  Prafulla Chandra Ray, the originator of the chemical industry in India, discovered mercurous nitrate in 1896.  His book 'The History of Hindu Chemistry' gained much acclaim.

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