World smallest bird: Bee Hummingbird

Bee Hummingbird

    Hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world. Let us tell you some interesting facts about hummingbird.

1. More than 300 species of Hummingbird are found in the Americas.  This bird is found in many colors.  The  male hummingbird  is more colorful than the female bird.

 2. Humming bird is the smallest bird in the world.  The size of the smallest humming bird is almost 2.25 inches.  This small humming bird is called a bee humming bird.  The size of most species is 4 to 5 inches.  The size of the largest humming bird is 8 inches, which is called the giant humming bird.

 3. Talking about the weight of humming bird, the weight of the smallest species of humming bird is only 2 grams.  At most, their species weights 20 grams.

 4. A peculiarity of humming bird is its beak.  Its beak is long, which makes it easy to suck the juice of flowers and fruits.  Its beak is slightly bent from the front.

 5. This bird has a long tongue with fine fine hair.  This makes them easy to sap flowers.

 6. During flight, this bird flaps its wings about 80 to 100 times in a second and it is so fast that with naked eyes you cannot see flapping wings.  Some of these species flatten the wings 200 times in a minute.  Humming sound comes while flying, so this bird is called "humming bird".

 7. Hummingbird's food is mainly the rasam of flowers.  This bird often over flowers.  Humming birds fill the stomach by sucking the juice of flowers.  Apart from this, it also feeds on insects.  This bird feeds every 10 to 15 minutes.  The reason behind this is to get energy.  They need energy to fly.

 8. When this bird flies, it makes its flight like a helicopter.  It can easily move back to front and right to left in the air.  Humming birds can also remain stable in the air.  Apart from this, there is no bird in the world that can fly like this.

 9. Humming birds are unable to walk easily because their legs are weak.  This is the reason why this bird keeps flying most of the time.  This bird chooses flowers or plants to relax.

 10. Humming bird's smell is very less.  They have no sense of smell.  This bird sees the colors of flowers and visits them.  Mostly they like red colored flowers.  They do not smell of flowers.  This bird passes about 1000 flowers in a day.

 11. The memory of this bird is very fast.  It does not forget the flower on which it once walked.  Their eyesight is very sharp.

 12. This bird also lives by nesting.  Humming birds nest on trees or plants.  Their nest is small or big according to their size.

 13. Hummingbird has a speed of 70 km per hour.  The heart of this bird beats 1200 times in a minute.

 14. The female humming bird lays 2 eggs at a time.  The size of these eggs is equal to half an inch.  The baby remains in the nest for about 3 weeks.

 15. The average lifespan of this bird is 4 to 5 years.

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