India's first shaolin master ( Shifu Kanishak Sharma)

One thing is very common in Chinese films and that is the technique of quick martial arts.  What is good to see as well as it has such an effect on us that, in real life, we also want to know this kung fu or martial arts technique.  Because the Shaolin Monastery or the Shaolin Temple from where it all started has a monopoly to teach that technique anywhere in the world, or say, if you get a certificate from there, then only you will be called the real master of this technology.  But Shaolin and its kung-fu have a deep connection with India.  The Shaolin Temple of China, included in the UN's World Heritage Sites, was built in China by an Indian Buddhist Monk.  The name of that monk was 'Bodhidharma or Bodhidharaman'.

 Shaolin Temple has historical relationship with India

 It is said that Bodhidharma was the third son of the  Pallavaj king of South India, whose belief in Mahayana Buddhism.  When he reached China, he first established the Shaolin Monastery or Temple in the Shaolin forests here.  Where he started the Chan tradition of Buddhism.  In this temple, for the physical fitness of the monks, Bodhidharma told them about some exercise called 'Yijin Jing', it is followed till date and it was later known as Shaolin Kung-fu.  This physical offering from Bodhidharma also came in the security work of the Tranig Ashram, as many times during that period there were attacks on the Shaolin Temple in which it was broken.  But Bodhidharma's physical training was the result of Buddhist monks always taking on the invaders.

 The knowledge that went from India to China flourished in China, but with the end of Buddhism in India, this knowledge kept going from among the people.  In such a situation, we think today that Shaolin is a pure Chinese technique, which was invented in China and soon after the name of Kung Fu comes to our mind, a picture of Jackie Chen and Brusli appears.

  But this physical fitness technique that once reached in China from India has reached again in india today.  Now people from all over the world reach the 'Shaolin Gurukul' of India to learn Shaolin martial art.  One thing that is seen in the Shaolin Temple and Gurukul of India is the tradition of Guru-disciple.  Apart from Bodhidharma, this is also a connection between China and India.

 Full story of Shaolin Gurukul from Shaolin Temple

 Shaolin Gurukul is the only Gurukul in India where you get a chance to learn the technique of Shaolin Kung Fu.  It is located in Gurukul Nainital, run by Shifu Kanishka Sharma.  According to the website of this Gurukul, it is the only institution in India to teach Shaolin technique, which has been recognized to be run by Shi Yong Xin, the monastery of Shaolin Temple, China.  Before bringing Shaolin martial arts to India, Shifu Kanishka Sharma himself took all his training for 15 years in the Shaolin Temple there.  Talking about his desire to learn Shaolin, Kanishka says that his desire for Kung Fu grew when his driver showed him a film.  Kanishka says that only after that did he decide to go to Shaolin.  But it was not then that I have to come to India and become a Shaolin Master.

 For eight hours every day, Kanishak took training in a place where the language, life style ,climate, etc not nor to him.  They had to undergo eight hours of rigorous physical, mental and spiritual training every day.  After becoming an official disciple of the Shaolin Temple, Kanishak traveled the world to spread the message of Shaolin and mastered a variety of martial arts, including kung fu to karate and Kalaripayathu in India.  He has also trained many film heroes such as Akshay Kumar, Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Madhuri Dixit.

 After his arrival in India, Kanishak established a Shaolin Gurukula in Nainital.  Today it is becoming an international study hub of Gurukul Kung Fu.  People from all over the world are coming to India today to learn Shaolin.  Actually, the Shaolin Temple that Bodhidharma once visited from India and started Shaolin Kung Fu, Kanishak has brought India to India today after learning this method from the Shaolin Temple.  In fact, this is an indescribable culture comeback in India.

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