Jellyfish Is A Type Of Fish Who Never Die

Jellyfish Is A Type Of Fish Who Never Die

This strange creature has got the boon of immortality, its characteristics will surprise you.

Many strange creatures are found in the world, which are not only the center of attraction for people, they also have a special attraction in themselves.  One such creature is Jellyfish, which is noted for its peculiar quality.

There are more than 1500 species of jellyfish worldwide.  They are transparent in appearance, but they are also very dangerous for humans.  Due to their sting, any person can sleep in a moment.

However, jellyfish are found in the deep depths of the sea, where sunlight does not even reach.  Therefore, humans do not feel more threatened by them.  It is said that the existence of jellyfish on earth is older than humans.  They have been live in  earth since the days of dinosaurs.

Jellyfish is also said as never dying organism, because their inside, it is such a feature that if it's cut into two parts, then it does not die, but separate jellyfish can reborn from those two parts.

Jellyfish is the only fish in the world that has up to 95% water.  Due to this quality, this fish looks transparent.  It is also said that jellyfish do not have brains, that is why there is always a flock of small fish around them, because they feel safe around it.

The average length of jellyfish is up to 6 feet and the weight is also 200 kg.  Happens till.  By far the largest jellyfish was found in the US sea, with a length of 7.6 feet and a moustaches 120 feet long.

Jellyfish looks very lovely, but if jellyfish moustaches touches a person's skin, they have to be treated immediately, because their moustaches is so toxic that they can cause great damages to skin.

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