The World's most venomous fish

The world's most venomous fish

A different kind of comfort is found by sitting on the banks of deep water, river or sea and watching the floating fish.  There will be many of us who will like it very much.  But you will be surprised to know that you can face death even in the face of fish on the seashore.  Many poisonous organisms are found in the world.  Many of these are also animals that are so poisonous that they can kill you in a moment.  Something similar is stone fish.  This poisonous fish is found near the Tropic of Capricorn.

Stone fish looks like stone.  This is why most people do not recognise and fall prey to it.  Even by mistake, if someone sets foot on this fish, it removes poison in the amount of weight that falls on it.  This poison is so dangerous that if it gets on the foot, then the leg will have to be amputated and even a little carelessness can cause death.

This fish releases its venom rapidly by 0.5 seconds.  That is, it does its work as soon as the blink of an eye.  The poison of this fish is so dangerous that if a drop of it is mixed in the water of a city, then every person of the city can die.

If a human body comes in contact with the poison of this fish, then its death is certain.  Only God can save beyond this.  The world is full of strange creatures.  Every day, explorers discover thousands of new creatures.

Therefore, it is completely different from all the fish found in the world.  It does not look like fish but looks like stone.  The body of  fish is very soft, while its body is like a stone.  Its upper shell is hard like stone.  This stone shell above the fish resembles something like a human face.

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