The glimpse of lord Buddha

Lord Buddha

Siddhartha gautam is also known as Sakyamuni or Tathagata. The king Suddhodana the ( sakya ruler ) he is the father of Siddhartha gautam (Buddha). Raja suddhodhana have two wives the Mahamaya and her sister Gautami. Siddhartha gautam is the biological child of mahamaya. He born ( in 563 BC on the vaishaka poorima day of lumbini near  kapilvastu ) in Nepal . But after the birth of lord buddha. His mother mahamaya died after 7 days. All the cares of little Siddhartha brought up by stepmother Gautami.

Lord Siddhartha married to Yoshodhara at the age of 16. They Enjoyed the married life for 13years and blessed with son Rahul.

But, one day after seeing an old sick  men, a corpse and ascetic, He decided to become a wanderer.

Left his palace at the age of 29 (with channa, the charioteer and his favourite horse, kanthaka) in search of truth ( called 'mahabhinishkrama' or The Great Renunciation ) and wandered for 6 years. 
After that he started his journey the search of truth.


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