Vitamins, Source and their Chemical Name

Vitamins and their Chemical Names

  Vitamin * - * A *
 Chemical Name: Retinol
 Deficiency Disease: Night blindness, Colour blindness, xerophthalmia
 Source: Aggar, 🥛 milk, 🥚 egg, 🍓 fruit, cheese,green vegetables, cod liver oil, carrot.

Vitamin * - * B1 *
 Chemical Name: Thiamine
 Deficiency Disease: Berry-Berry
 Source: Peanut, Potato, Vegetables, ground nuts, Rapseed, Dried chilli, Pulses, Egg, etc.

 Vitamin * - * B2 *
 Chemical Name: Riboflavin 
 Deficiency Disease: Skin inflammation, Redness of eye, cracking of lips
 Source: egg, 🥛 milk,  green vegetables, meat, etc.

 Vitamin * - * B3 *
 Chemical Name: Nicotinamide (Niacin)
 Deficiency Disease: burning feet, whitening of hair, pellagra
 Source: 🍗 Meat, 🥛 Milk, Tomato,Peanut, sugarcane, etc

 Vitamin * - * B5 *
 Chemical Name: Pantothenic acid
 Deficiency Disease: Vomitting, Diarrhoea memory loss
Sources: 🍗meat, peanuts, 🥔potatoes, 🥬leafy vegetables,🍅 Tomato, etc

  Vitamin * - * B6 *
 Chemical Name: Pyridoxine
 Deficiency Disease: Anemia, Skin Disease
 Source: 🥛 milk, 🍗meat, 🥦 vegetable

  Vitamin * - *B7 *
 Chemical Name: Biotin
 Deficiency Disease: Hair fall, skin disease Body pain, Paralysis
 Source: Yeast, Wheat, 🥚Egg, 🍼Milk

Vitamin* - * B11 *
Chemical name: Folic acid
Deficiency diseases: Anaemia, dysentry
Source: Pulses, 🥚Egg.

  Vitamin * - * B12 *
 Chemical Name: Cyanocobalamine
 Deficiency Diseases: Anemia, Jaundice Terolie Glutemic.
 Sources:🍗 Meat, 🍼 Milk

 Vitamin * - * C *
 Chemical Name: Ascorbic Acid
 Deficiency Disease: Scurvy, swelling of gums or bleeding gums
 Source: Amla, 🍋lemon,🍊orange, 🍅Tomato, 🌶️chilly, sprouted grain and sour substance.

 Vitamin * - * D *
 Chemical Name: Calciferol
 Deficiency Disease: Rickets (in children) ,Osteomalasia (in adult)
 Source: ☀ sunlight, 🥛 milk, 🥚 Egg, Fish liver oil, etc

  Vitamin * - * E *
 Chemical Name: Tocopherol
 Deficiency Diseases : reduced fertility
 Source: 🥬Green Vegetable, 🍼Milk, 🧀Butter, vegetables oil, etc.

  Vitamin * - * K *
 Chemical Name: Phylloquinone
 Deficiency Disease: Prevent Blood clotting
 Sources: 🍅Tomato, 🥬Green vegetables, 🍼Milk , 🥚egg, 🍓 fruit, Soyabeans oil, etc



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