Story of Eklavya and Dronacharya

Story of Eklavya and Guru Dronacharya

 In the Mahabharata period, there was a brave boy named Eklavya, whose father Hiranyadhanu used to advise Hamesa Eklavya to move forward in life and said that if you work hard, you can definitely get the best place in this world, by following your father's words, Eklavya bow  Vidya went to Guru Dronacharya to learn, but Dronacharya refused to teach Dhanush Vidya, after which Eklavya came to his father with a sad heart and told everything.

 So on hearing Eklavya's talk, Eklavya's father said that we get God, do people worship only by making an idol, you can also start your bow-lord by making an idol of your Guru and after that started the bow-learning as per his father's advice. With inspiration from Guru Dronacharya's statue, Ekalavya started learning Dhanush Vidya with concentration in his mind and then started moving into such Ekalavya Dhanush learning.

 Once upon a time, during this time, Guru Dronacharya was passing in the forest with his Pandavas and Kauravas disciples, when suddenly hearing the sound of the dog, Ekalavya situated in the same forest gave up the target by aiming the sound which directly filled the dog's mouth.

 Seeing all this, Guru Dronacharya was very surprised and he came to Eklavya and said how did you do all this, then Eklavya told all his talk and told that we have accepted you as our Guru.

 Hearing all these things, Guru Dronacharya remembered the promise to make Arjuna the best archer and then said to Eklavya that you have accepted me as your guru but on hearing this, who will give Guru Dakshina, Eklavya said, I must tell  what you want.  I will give you Gurudakshina.

 Hearing this, Guru Dronacharya asked Eklavya for the thumb of his right hand, after this Eklavya, without thinking for a moment, surrendered his thumb at the feet of his Guru and thus Eklavya could never run an arrow again.

 But blessed is such a devotion that made Eklavya immortal with his sacrifice and sacrifice for us.

Moral of the story 

 Guru can meet us in any way, we should never lose hope and respect for him,

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