Children do not see far? These are the reasons for the increase in glasses in children

In recent years, the incidence of myopia in children has been increasing. Myopia is an eye disease. We are going to take the same information in this news.

Myopia is simply called short sightedness or near sightedness. In short, this person can only see up to a certain distance.

To see a short distance then one needs to use glasses. If the problems faced by these people are not diagnosed on time, then they have to face various complications. This can be a major hindrance to the progress of young children in particular.

13th to 19th May is observed as Myopia Awareness Week, so let's get all myopia information, symptoms, diagnosis here

In recent years, the number of children wearing glasses has increased. Every country has experienced this. In the period from 1980 to 1990, a serious situation arise in a small country. This country was making great progress. The door of education was opened to the new generation and there was full development and progress. But one thing was alarming that day by day children were diagnosed with myopia.

This problem of not being able to see for a long time was increasing. And nobody could do anything. The name of this tiny country is Singapore, 80 percent of adults in Singapore seem to have myopia.

Audrey Chiang, a senior consultant at Singapore's National Eye Center, said, "We've been grappling with this question for 20 years and have been stuck. Almost everyone in Singapore is myopic."

The same situation is now seen all over the world. This ratio is higher in countries considered advanced like America and United Kingdom and it is also in India.

In the United States in 1971, 25 percent of adults were diagnosed with myopia. That figure has now gone up to 40 percent. A similar situation exists in the United Kingdom. The situation is even worse in South Korea, China and Taiwan. If this trend continues, half of the world's population will suffer from myopia in 2050, it is seen that this trend is increasing rapidly every year.

Myopia has increased dramatically in China, says Chiang. He says that 76 to 90 percent of older school-going children have myopia.

Advanced myopia may seem like a minor disease. It may look like glasses are used. But experts say that myopia cannot be ignored, it can become a cause of vision loss or permanent blindness.

Along with this, Corona is also a major reason for the increasing rate of myopia. Experts have given it the same name as quarantine myopia. During the lockdown, the rate of myopia increased worldwide.

During this period, even in countries where the prevalence of myopia was low, the prevalence increased. Because during this time children started living in the same rooms in the house, their school and routine started there. As he stopped going out, the same habit continued. In countries where children used to play outside, it suddenly stopped.

Causes of myopia

Myopia can be caused by many factors. One of the most important reasons for this is premature delivery, which means that babies born prematurely are at a higher risk. Also, the work to be done very closely has increased in the last few years. People who do such things get myopia.

  • One of the reasons for this is the work outside the house and the decrease in movement.

  • Staying at home, in a dark place, working in a dark place.
  • The increasing use of digital devices is also one of the reasons.

Symptoms of myopia

Now it is very important to recognize that your child has myopia. Because it is necessary to go to the doctor on time and get the children examined. If that happens, the obstacle in children's progress can be removed in time. Parents of premature babies should pay special attention to this.

Symptoms of myopia usually appear in children between the ages of 6 and 13. These symptoms are seen in children as well as in adults.

These symptoms show that children have trouble reading

  • Children especially have trouble reading what is written on the board in school.

  • These children sit near the TV, computer, use the phone close to their eyes.

  • These people also get frequent headaches.

  • Children with myopia frequently rub their eyes.

  • If it is not taken care of, it worsens over the years and new complications arise.

What to do to prevent myopia?

  • Parents should have their children regularly examined by an ophthalmologist to prevent myopia. Parents of premature babies should pay special attention to this.

  • Instead of keeping children indoors all the time, they should spend at least two hours a day outside playing, or engaging in outdoor activities. All digital devices should be used with a distance of at least 30 cm.

  • If myopia is not recognized early, the progress of children is hampered.

  • While reading a book, there should be enough distance between the book and your eyes.
  • Do not read while lying down on the book. If your child is doing this, you should correct it and get your eyes checked.

  • Devices like mobiles, computers, tablets should be used in sufficient light, do not try to read or view the text in the dark.

  • At home, workplaces should be provided with adequate natural light.

  • After using digital devices, TV, computer for 20 minutes, rest for a while. Eat a proper square diet,

  • Also, parents who have myopia should get their children's eyes checked periodically. They should be monitored for signs of myopia.

What do doctors say?

It is seen that the rate of myopia is increasing rapidly in India. 

Doctor said, “In 1999, the prevalence of myopia among urban children aged 5-15 in India was 4.4 percent. It has increased to 21.1 percent in 2019. According to our estimates, the prevalence of myopia in urban children is increasing at a rate of 0.80 percent every year. That is, 31.89 percent of children will have myopia in 2030, 40 percent in 2040 and 48.1 percent in 2050. This means that in the next 25 years, one in two children will have myopia.”

They added, "The age group of patients is also changing over the years. Younger children are coming in for eye tests more often. More and more of them are being diagnosed with myopia. We are currently seeing many examples of myopia in school children between the ages of 5 and 17. We are 2017 In a survey of 1,000 children aged 3-15 in Mumbai's urban slums, 200 were found to have myopia. This gives an idea of ​​how rapidly myopia is spreading."

Most doctors attribute this rapid spread of myopia to a changed lifestyle.

Constant use of screens stimulates the eyes, retina, brain of children, thus accelerating the growth of the iris and creating a favorable condition for myopia. This is why it is necessary for children to play outside and be exposed to sunlight.

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