Why we celebrate rose day

Why we celebrate rose day 

 Valentine's Day begins with Rose Day.  On this day, Love Birds express their love by giving each other a rose flower.  Not only lovers - girlfriends, even those who are still single, also took a dip in it. This day is considered a good day to express their feeling.  We have been celebrating this day for years, but have you ever wondered why we celebrate this day?  What is the story behind this?  Learn about it in the next paragraph....

 A story is told to celebrate Rose Day.  If you arrange the letters of ROSE properly then it becomes 'EROS' which is the God of love.  Greek Mythology states that roses are also the favorite flower of Venus, the goddess of love.

 It is said about Rose Day that the red rose was most loved by the Mughal Begum Noorjahan.  It is said that to appease Nur Jahan's heart, his husband used to send fresh roses to his palace according to tones every day.

 So if you also have a love for true love, then prepare yourself to get wet in the rain of love.  Because Valentine's Week is starting with Rose Day, you too, who have been wanting for a long time and are not able to express your love, then buy a flower bouquet and put it in your love hand.

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